Explore the beauty of Meghalaya in May

Meghalaya has warmer temperatures in May and still maintains a pleasant climate. The blossoming flowers and verdant surroundings provide an attractive environment for outdoor activities and cultural exploration. The best places to visit in Meghalaya. Rivers like Umngot in Dawki and waterfalls like Nohkalikai Falls never fail to amaze with their beautiful magnificence. Trekking is still an enjoyable pastime that lets tourists discover the Khasi Hills’ varied landscape and live root bridges. Unique locations provide peace, and most roads are perfect for comfortable driving. It is recommended to adopt eco-friendly practices to support the region’s sustainability efforts. Meghalaya in May offers a well-rounded experience that combines outdoor activities, cultural immersion, and natural beauty in a delightfully warm setting.

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Weather in Meghalaya in May

Meghalaya experiences a change in weather in May from spring to early summer, with a slight temperature rise. Daytime highs and lows are in the range of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, with typically pleasant weather. Even though it’s warmer than the months before, Meghalaya’s climate is still very mild, providing relief from the scorching summer heat that many other regions of India endure.

The scenery is still verdant and beautiful, with colourful flora and blossoming flowers. Even though it’s becoming warmer outside, evenings and nights are usually colder, making for an ideal atmosphere for exploring and outdoor activities in Meghalaya.

Best Places to Visit in Meghalaya in May

1. Shillong

Shillong, Meghalaya in May

With its historical charm, pleasant climate, and beautiful surroundings, Shillong, the capital city, is a must-visit location. Explore Ward’s Lake, meander through Police Bazar to get a taste of the local way of life, and climb to Shillong Peak for magnificent views of the city and its surroundings. The best time to visit Meghalaya.

2. Cherrapunji (Sohra)

Cherrapunji,Meghalaya in May

Cherrapunji, famous for its gorgeous waterfalls and verdant surroundings, displays its charm in May. Discover the famous Nohkalikai Falls, the breathtaking stalactite formations in Mawsmai Caves, and the living root bridges that highlight the Khasi community’s unique creativity.

3. Dawki

Dawki River, Meghalaya in May

Visit Dawki to see the Umngot River’s crystal-clear waters. Take a boat ride on clear boats so you can see the bottom of the river. Dawki’s clear waters and pleasant surroundings make it a fascinating travel destination.

4. Mawlynnong

Mawlynnong Village, Meghalaya in May

Discover Mawlynnong, known as the cleanest village in Asia, and its unspoiled beauty. Explore immaculate gardens, take in the wonder of the bioengineered living root bridges, and become engrossed in the community’s sustainable ways.

5. Siju Caves

Siju Cave, Meghalaya in May

Explore the Siju Caves within the Siju Wildlife Sanctuary. The beautiful stalactite and stalagmite structures that these caves reveal provide adventuring enthusiasts with an enthralling underground trip.

6. Elephant Falls

Elephant Falls, Meghalaya in May

Visit Elephant Falls, a stunning three-tiered waterfall near Shillong. It’s the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the beauty of nature because of the tranquil surroundings.

07. Balpakram National Park

Balpakram National Park, Meghalaya in May

Explore the stunning Balpakram National Park, a biodiversity hotspot rich with a wide variety of plants and animals. Discover red pandas, bison, and a variety of bird species among this ecological haven’s rich vegetation.

Travel tips for Meghalaya in May

01. Pack light and breathable clothing ideal for warmer weather. When engaging in outdoor activities, remember to protect yourself from the sun by packing a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

02. Even with the mild weather, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drink lots of water and bring a reusable water bottle with you if you’re going on an outdoor activity like trekking.

03. Even though May usually brings pleasant weather, it’s a good idea to monitor weather forecasts for any unforeseen changes. By doing this, you may travel knowing that you are ready for any situation that may arise.

04. Bring along comfortable walking shoes that are appropriate for trekking, exploring, and navigating different types of terrain. As there may be uneven terrain in Meghalaya’s landscapes, wearing appropriate footwear is essential.

05. Even though May usually brings better road conditions, it’s a good idea to inquire about any updates regarding road maintenance or potential difficulties, particularly if you plan to go via remote areas.  

06. Make sure you have enough cash on hand, particularly if you intend to visit isolated locations where it would not be common to use credit or debit cards. Some areas may not have as many ATMs as others.

Why should you visit Meghalaya in May

Meghalaya is transformed in May with beautiful scenery and pleasant temperatures, making for an exciting experience. Even if it becomes a little warmer, Meghalaya still has a nice climate, making it the perfect place to explore the outdoors. The brilliant flowers, rich vegetation, and breathtaking scenery of waterfalls like Nohkalikai Falls create a lovely scene. May offers a chance for cultural immersion as well, letting visitors interact with native people and take part in celebrations. Better road conditions facilitate accessibility, allowing travellers to more easily explore the varied landscapes, hike through the Khasi Hills, and take in the sight of live root bridges. A more pleasant environment makes May the best time to visit Meghalaya’s natural beauties, cultural variety, and outdoor adventures because of the pleasant weather and the region’s dedication to sustainability.


In conclusion, a trip to Meghalaya in May offers a unique combination of rich cultural diversity and scenic elegance as the region enters the pre-monsoon season. Meghalaya continues to be a popular travel destination due to its attractive landscapes and varied cultural experiences, even with a shift towards warmer temperatures.

Meghalaya’s May weather is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, who may enjoy activities like trekking and nature hikes while exploring the region’s famous waterfalls and beautiful scenery. Even if the waterfall flow may be a little less than during the monsoon season, the whole experience is still rather mesmerizing. Cultural enthusiasts still have the opportunity to engage in genuine relationships with local people and become fully immersed in the Jaintia and Khasi traditions. 

It is recommended that travellers bring lightweight, breathable clothing and make the appropriate preparations for higher temperatures. Although there is an increase in tourism in May, the trip can be improved by making advance travel plans and hotel reservations.

Travellers are essentially attracted to Meghalaya in May by its natural beauty, cultural richness, and the opportunity to take in this state’s distinct appeal before the start of the monsoon season.

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People also ask about Meghalaya in May

May brings warmer temperatures to Meghalaya as the pre-monsoon season begins. Evenings may stay warm and days may be quite warm.

Bring clothing that is breathable and light enough for the warmer weather. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and comfortable shoes are needed for sun protection.

A lot of waterfalls are still beautiful in May. While the flow could be diminished compared to the monsoon season, the weather is normally good for outdoor sports and waterfall exploration.

May is a popular month for travel, and more people may visit these places during this time. Making travel plans and reservations in advance can improve your trip.

May offers ideal weather for outdoor pursuits like hiking, taking nature walks, and touring beautiful scenery.

Take the appropriate safety measures and be careful of the rising temperatures. Carry any necessary prescriptions, and drink plenty of water, particularly if you’re doing outside activities.

Meghalaya is well-connected by road. Taxis and buses are available for travel within the state. Shillong serves as a central hub, and is home to Shillong Airport. Major Indian cities are well-connected to the airport. The other nearest airport is in Guwahati, Assam. From there, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Meghalaya. Shillong, the capital, is well-connected by road.

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